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Ginger Lemon and Honey Relish

Lemon, honey and ginger, who doesn’t love them; whether its in tea, cakes or any sort of desserts. I just absolutely love them.

Last couple of months, with the weather changing constantly kids have been getting cough and cold all the time. It is just this time of the year and with the temperatures fluctuating so fast, it’s the dreaded flu season. While living in India whenever someone got sick, my mother would say take some honey and ginger or make ginger tea or add black pepper. Now also she says the same when someone is sick with cold and flu. My constant struggle in this situation is that I know about it, as she has been giving us the same, but mother being mother has to tell me each time :)

In any case, learning from her I have tried to give kids the same when they were coughin but its not easy to get them to have it…surprise, surprise..

So, I came up with this idea of making a relish or a jam using ginger honey and lemon, which could be eaten just like that or on a toast. It's so easy to make and is good for you when having cough but can be enjoyed otherwise too. The color, flavors and the taste so good…loved it!!

Here is the recipe


50g fresh ginger, grated

1 whole lemon, finely chopped (without seeds)

Juice from half lemon

4 tbsp jaggery

3-4 tbsp honey

¼ tsp salt

Pinch of black pepper


Brown sugar can be used instead of jaggery.

Amounts of lemon, ginger and honey can be varied according to your own taste.


Place a small saucepan on medium heat and cook together chopped lemon, ginger with some water, around 100 ml. When it starts to simmer, add in the jaggery and salt. Let it cook on low-medium heat until the lemon pieces start to soften up, around 10-15 minutes. Adjust the consistency, add more water if needed.

Once the lemon bits have softened up, take it off the heat and let it cool down. Take out one table spoon from the cooked mixture and set it aside. Grind the rest using a hand blender. Mix in the honey lemon juice and black pepper to the mixture. I prefer to grind it not very fine but it could be grinded smoother, according to your preference.

Adjust the seasoning and add more honey or lemon, could be adjusted according to your taste. Mix in the tablespoon of the chunky mixture, for some extra texture.


Preparation: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 15-20 minutes

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